Thursday, February 19, 2009

6 month follow up

We had our 6 month post surgery follow up (OK, a little bit later than 6 months) with Hollis's neurologist in Children's Hospital. He was pleased with the fact she only had 3 seizures in the time since the surgery, and we are too, we just wanted to know if we had to be concerned about having any more surgery: thankfully, he said we're done. We are making some adjustments to her meds, because she's gained about 30 pounds since September - that's largely due to another one of her meds, notorious for weight gain.

This week we also had her Rehab Physician (a.k.a. Physiatrist) appointment, to assess her neuro-muscular situation. Her gait is definitely worse than what it was prior to the brain surgery, but not by a lot. She's getting a new adaptive "girdle" to help give her right leg some support and a bit of a twist, because right now, it points outward about 90 degrees. Should be interesting to see how that works!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing about Hollis's weight gain. Chance has also gained a huge amount of weight, we'll find out the first week of March how much. He was a size 7 in August and now is in a size 12. I thought I was going nuts!!!I check your blog all the time.