Saturday, September 6, 2008
Having fun in the bathtub

Thursday, September 4, 2008
The latent cheerleader
When we went for a walk in the park yesterday, there was a cheerleading practice/tryout with about 30 girls from ages 9 - 12. They were shouting, "Go. Fight. Win!", and Hollis absolutely loved it! She clapped and said "yay" when they finished, but also wanted more, so she signed "more", as you can see in this video. She also did her own version of the cheer: "Ack. Ack. Ack!" She really wanted to get involved, but I held her back since it appeared to be a tryout, and I didn't want to disrupt the girls. After they were done, they congregated in a gaggle around their Moms and the instructor, and Hollis went over to check them out. I told them how much she liked their cheering, and they were all really sweet to her and said "thank you". I wonder if there's a "special needs" cheerleading team? ; )
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Dr. W. felt it was probably a combination of her mental status changing after the surgery and now having the wrong psych med for her behavior. Prior to the surgery she was on an anti-anxiety med, as we had guessed that a lot of her outbursts were related to being afraid of various situations she was in (claustrophobic rooms, new environments, doc's offices, etc.). If that anxiety is not as much an issue anymore, then perhaps the medicine is what is causing all this new bizarre behavior. So, we're going to wean her off the anti-anxiety med, and see how she does. If things don't improve, or we still are having the off the wall hysteria and aggression, we'll try another med to see if we can better manage her behavior, because she isn't responding to punishment, avoidance, or praise techniques.