Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Second seizure since surgery

I guess it isn't too bad to have only had 2 seizures since the surgery on July 11th, but I was really hoping that first one back in September was just a little "rewiring" in the healing process. Hollis had a tonic-clonic in her sleep today, during a nap, and of course, it really upset her, and made her even more tired. She is probably getting a cold, since I've had a pretty bad one for a week, and she also (how do I say this delicately?) has a "backup in her plumbing". I guess it's "reasonable" to have a seizure once every 3-4 months, considering we were at 10-12 a day before the surgery, but still, any seizures really stink.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Caramel Apple Yum

Just a quick post of Hollis enjoying a treat of Caramel Apple Spiced cider from Starbucks. She's looking so grown up these days!